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Help Save the Planet...

While Saving Money Big Time...


  Don't Believe Me Just Watch! (Click To Play The Video)

Help Save the Planet...

While Saving Money
Big Time...


  Don't Believe Me Just Watch!
(Click To Play The Video)

Here's What We Found:

Most People Are Pulling An Invisible Camper Around...
All Year Long!

...without even knowing It!

Here's What We Found:

Most People Are Pulling An Invisible Camper Around...
All Year Long!

...without even knowing It!

From: Joey

Hey did you know that you can save money while saving the planet?
I know it sounds crazy because we're so use to hearing that what is good for the environment is more expensive for us.

As the founder of Auto Repair Basics for Her (ARB4H), I have at heart to empower ladies and save them big bucks on car matters!

Here's what happened...
Years ago, I had to move a trailer by hand (like I did so many times before). But this one time... it was way harder to move it around than ever before.

So much so, that even though I had to move it just a few feet aside... I had to catch my breath afterwards!

It was so bad, that I looked at the trailer to see what was wrong with it...

Then I found it... The tires were low on air pressure. They were not flat, just lower than usual.

This is when it hit me...
When your tire pressure is lower than it should... It can cost you a lot!

Then something cool happened...

We Put Together a Test to Reproduce and Measure

The Trailer Experience I Had
Years Ago...

And what we found actually shocked us!
  • Just 5 psi lower on your tires doubles the drag force of your vehicle...
And when the pressure is even lower...
  • The drag force can reach over 130 lbs...
  • Which is about 5 times the normal drag force of your vehicle!
This is like pulling an invisible camper around all year long... or driving holding down the brakes! This is a crazy waste of fuel and money...

Just Like Heating Your House in the Winter
With The Windows Wide Open...

It is throwing your money out the window... And it creates harm to the environment:  increasing emissions... and global warming...

We Want You To Benefit From
This... And Start Saving Big Time!

'Auto Repair Basics for Her's

FREE Tire Pressure Gauge

AND The 2 Complimentary Courses

To Help Save The Planet...
While Saving Money Big Time!

From: Joey

Hey did you know that you can save money while saving the planet?

I know it sounds crazy because we're so use to hearing that what is good for the environment is more expensive for us.

As the founder of Auto Repair Basics for Her (ARB4H), I have at heart to empower ladies and save them big bucks on car matters!

Here's what happened...
Years ago, I had to move a trailer by hand (like I did so many times before). But this one time... it was way harder to move it around than ever before.

So much so, that even though I had to move it just a few feet aside... I had to catch my breath afterwards!

It was so bad, that I looked at the trailer to see what was wrong with it...

Then I found it... The tires were low on air pressure. They were not flat, just lower than usual.

This is when it hit me...
When your tire pressure is lower than it should... It can cost you a lot!

Then something cool happened...

We Put Together a Test to Reproduce and Measure

The Trailer Experience I Had Years Ago...

And what we found actually shocked us!
  • Just 5 psi lower on your tires doubles the drag force of your vehicle...
And when the pressure is even lower...
  • The drag force can reach over 130 lbs...
  • Which is about 5 times the normal drag force of your vehicle!
This is like pulling an invisible camper around all year long... or driving holding down the brakes! This is a crazy waste of fuel and money...

Just Like Heating Your House in the Winter With The Windows Wide Open...

It is throwing your money out the window... And it creates harm to the environment: increasing emissions... and global warming...

We Want You To Benefit From This... And Start Saving Big Time!

'Auto Repair Basics for Her's

FREE Tire Pressure Gauge

AND The 2 Complimentary Courses

To Help Save The Planet...
While Saving Money Big Time!

Having The Right Tire Pressure Will...

Save You Way More Than You Thought...

  • Save On Gas (Significantly reduce drag force created by low tire pressure - reducing emissions... which leads to helping the planet!)...
  • Save On Tires (Make your tires last up to 33% longer)...
  • Less Likely To Have A Flat Tire (Most flats are slow leak... You'll spot them ahead of time and avoid being stranded!)...
  • ​Less Likely To Have A Blow Out (reduce chance of a blow out due to tire over heating)...
  • Be Safer On The Road (Improve your car handling by improving the quality of your tire contact to the road)...
  • Can Stop Your Vehicle From Pulling (In certain situations...)
  • Can Stop Your Vehicle From Shaking (In certain situations...)
  • Can Save You Speeding Tickets - Wrong Air Pressure Makes Your Speedometer Wrong... Speedometer calculates your vehicle speed based on your wheels rpm... Assuming it has the right wheel diameter! (wrong tire pressure changes your wheel diameter... Therefore indicates the wrong speed!)
If you'd like to save money and be safe on the road... All the while helping the environment and Mother earth. Then you need the "Auto Repair Basics for Her" FREE Tire Pressure Gauge right now!

Having The Right Tire Pressure Will...

Save You Way More Than You Thought...

  • Save On Gas (Significantly reduce drag force created by low tire pressure - reducing emissions... which leads to helping the planet!)...
  • Save On Tires (Make your tires last up to 33% longer)...
  • Less Likely To Have A Flat Tire (Most flats are slow leak... You'll spot them ahead of time and avoid being stranded!)...
  • ​Less Likely To Have A Blow Out (reduce chance of a blow out due to tire over heating)...
  • Be Safer On The Road (Improve your car handling by improving the quality of your tire contact to the road)...
  • Can Stop Your Vehicle From Pulling (In certain situations...)
  • Can Stop Your Vehicle From Shaking (In certain situations...)
  • Can Save You Speeding Tickets - Wrong Air Pressure Makes Your Speedometer Wrong... Speedometer calculates your vehicle speed based on your wheels rpm... Assuming it has the right wheel diameter! (wrong tire pressure changes your wheel diameter... Therefore indicates the wrong speed!)
If you'd like to save money and be safe on the road... All the while helping the environment and Mother earth. Then you need the "Auto Repair Basics for Her" FREE Tire Pressure Gauge right now!

Send Me Your Address...

I'd like to rush one of our FREE pink
Tire Pressure Gauge to your doorstep, ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, this pressure gauge is free. I'll pay for the gauge AND we'll give you the course of how to use it AND the most asked unanswered questions course... all for free. All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere you are in USA!

Send Me Your Address...

I'd like to rush one of our FREE pink Tire Pressure Gauge to your doorstep, ASAP!

Like I mentioned before, this pressure gauge is free. I'll pay for the gauge AND we'll give you the course of how to use it AND the most asked unanswered questions course... all for free.

All I ask is that you help me cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere you are in USA!

When You Get Your Amazing Pressure Gauge For FREE... Here Are A Few Things You'll Learn In Our Unique 2 Complimentary ARB4H Courses...

Inside of "How To Check Your Tire Pressure" I will be showing you all the tips and tricks you need so you can check your tire pressure safely, just like a Pro!
(Go from "I have absolutely no idea" to "Pro" without any transition!)

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn inside our free complimentary course (How To Check Your Tire Pressure) that you'll get along with your ARB4H Pressure Gauge:
  • ​Things That Can Change Tire Pressure: There Are Other Things Besides Leaks That Come Into Play... These Are Easy To Understand... This Is A Wonderful Ah-Ha Moment... 
  • ​Safety Issues: Are Your Tires Safe To Inflate Or Not? How To Use Compressed Air Safely...
  • How To Add / Remove Pressure: Learn How To Adjust Your Tire Pressure Correctly... No Matter What You Drive!
  • ​How To Measure Tire Pressure: How To Use Your Pressure Gauge
  • ​And More... Easy Pro Tips and Tricks That Will Get You To The Next Level... Right Off The Bat!
Inside of "the most asked unanswered questions" I will be showing you how you can answer the ladies top unanswered questions on the web related to flat tires. Yes! That's right! The most basic logical questions you'll wonder about in case of a flat... But yet, no one ever answered...

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn inside our free complimentary course (the most asked unanswered questions) that you'll get along with your ARB4H Pressure Gauge:
  • ​Up To What Point Can You Drive On A Flat Tire?
  • ​Need Air or Is It Flat? (At What Point A Tire Is Considered Flat?)
  • And More...

When You Get Your Amazing Pressure Gauge For FREE...

Here Are A Few Things You'll
Learn In Our Unique
2 Complimentary ARB4H Courses...

Inside of "How To Check Your Tire Pressure" I will be showing you all the tips and tricks you need so you can check your tire pressure safely, just like a Pro!

(Go from "I have absolutely no idea" to "Pro" without any transition!)

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn inside our free complimentary course (How To Check Your Tire Pressure) that you'll get along with your ARB4H Pressure Gauge:
  • ​Things That Can Change Tire Pressure: There Are Other Things Besides Leaks That Comes Into Play... These Are Easy To Understand... This Is A Wonderful Ah-Ha Moment... 
  • ​Safety Issues: Are Your Tires Safe To Inflate Or Not? How To Use Compressed Air Safely...
  • How To Add / Remove Pressure: Learn How To Adjust Your Tire Pressure Correctly... No Matter What You Drive!
  • ​How To Measure Tire Pressure: How To Use Your Pressure Gauge
  • ​And More... Easy Pro Tips and Tricks That Will Get You To The Next Level... Right Off The Bat!
Inside of "the most asked unanswered questions" I will be showing you how you can answer the ladies top unanswered questions on the web related to flat tires. 

Yes! That's right! The most basic logical questions you'll wonder about in case of a flat... But yet, no one ever answered...

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn inside our free complimentary course (the most asked unanswered questions) that you'll get along with your ARB4H Pressure Gauge:
  • ​Up To What Point Can You Drive On A Flat Tire?
  • Need Air or Is It Flat? (At What Point A Tire Is Considered Flat?)
  • And More...

So... You Get Your Own "ARB4H"
Tire Pressure Gauge


Our Complimentary Online Course #1

"How To Check Tire Pressure"


Our Complimentary Online Course #2

"The Most Asked
Unanswered Questions"



5 Minutes That
Pays You Back Forever!

All I ask is that you to help me cover Shipping & Handling cost.

So... You Get Your Own "ARB4H"
Tire Pressure Gauge


Our Complimentary Online Course #1

"How To Check Tire Pressure"


Our Complimentary Online Course #2

"The Most Asked Unanswered Questions"



5 Minutes That
Pays You Back Forever!

All I ask is that you to help me cover Shipping & Handling cost.

There Is NO CATCH!

I know when we get a lot for our buck something doesn't feel right. But this is as straight forward as it gets. No hidden fees, no continuity program, no monthly payments...

This is all there is. You get your own free pink "Auto Repair Basics for Her" (ARB4H) tire pressure gauge"How to Check Tire Pressure" course & "The Most Asked Unanswered Questions" course for free. All I ask of you in return, is to help me cover the shipping & handling cost. Sounds fair?

So you may wonder... "Why am I doing this?"
  • This is the best way for me to introduce "Auto Repair Basics for Her""Auto Repair Basics for Her""Auto Repair Basics for Her" "Auto Repair Basics for Her"to you​.
  • ​I want to WOW you in the simplest way...
  • ​By offering you just the best investment you'll ever make! Both in time and money. (5 minutes and $9.95 that will pay you back forever)
  • We want to save you money for REAL... And help reduce global warming NOW! Let's start together by getting rid of the pointless gas emission!
  • ​Checking air pressure is a simple thing that everyone can learn and perform... This is pure car matters empowerment... This is what we're made of!  :D
  • ​This is a game changer! Take advantage of it and get started NOW!

There Is NO CATCH!

I know when we get a lot for our buck something doesn't feel right. But this is as straight forward as it gets. No hidden fees, no continuity program, no monthly payments...

This is all there is. You get your own free pink "Auto Repair Basics for Her" (ARB4H) tire pressure gauge & "How to Check Tire Pressure" course & "The Most Asked Unanswered Questions" course for free.

All I ask of you in return, is to help me cover the shipping & handling cost. Sounds fair?

So you may wonder... "Why am I doing this?"
  • This is the best way for me to introduce "Auto Repair Basics for Her""Auto Repair Basics for Her""Auto Repair Basics for Her" "Auto Repair Basics for Her"to you​.
  • ​I want to WOW you in the simplest way...
  • ​By offering you just the best investment you'll ever make! Both in time and money. (5 minutes and $9.95 that will pay you back forever)
  • We want to save you money for REAL... And help reduce global warming NOW! Let's start together by getting rid of the pointless gas emission!
  • Checking air pressure is a simple thing that everyone can learn and perform... This is pure car matters empowerment... This is what we're made of!  :D
  • ​This is a game changer! Take advantage of it and get started NOW!

I Hate to Say... But This Offer
Is Passing By Quickly!

Here's why...

This amazing offer won't last!
Our popular complimentary courses and FREE tire gauges are selling out fast and once they are sold out... There's nothing I can do.

If this page is still here, then the offer is still ON. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

I Hate to Say... But This Offer Is Passing By Quickly!

Here's why...

This amazing offer won't last!
Our popular complimentary courses and FREE tire gauges are selling out fast and once they are sold out... There's nothing I can do.

If this page is still here, then the offer is still ON. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Risk-Free Guarantee

I 100% Guarantee that you'll love your pressure gauge and the complimentary courses "How To Check Your Tire Pressure" AND "The Most Asked Unanswered Questions" or I'll return your $9.95 shipping & handling and let you keep them anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email our support and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

Sounds good?

Help Save the Planet...

While Saving Money Big Time...


Risk-Free Guarantee

I 100% Guarantee that you'll love your pressure gauge and the complimentary courses "How To Check Your Tire Pressure" AND "The Most Asked Unanswered Questions" or I'll return your $9.95 shipping & handling and let you keep them anyway.

That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email our support and I'll give you back your money with no question asked.

Sounds good?

Save the Planet...

While Saving Money
Big Time...


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